The Scenario Test
- Description
- Scenario Test Download
- References
- How to cite
What Is The Scenario Test?
The Scenario Test (validated in the UK) is a daily life communication measure for people with aphasia. It measures how a person with aphasia conveys everyday messages, verbally and/or nonverbally, in an interactive setting. A main strength of The Scenario Test is that it captures all types of communication and how effective they are and it is thus suitable for people with severe aphasia, with no or very limited verbal language.
Who Is The Scenario Test For?
The Scenario Test is for people with aphasia. It is particularly useful for people with moderate-severe aphasia as the test focuses on multimodal communication.
Who Can Administer The Scenario Test?
The Scenario Test can be used by clinicians and researchers. Administrators should have expertise with people with aphasia and in administering assessments.
Download Resources For The Scenario Test

- Follow the jr-press URL to purchase this test from J & R Press:
- Click the link below to download a PowerPoint presentation providing training on The Scenario Test and its administration:
- Download Scenario Test UK Administration Training
- Once downloaded, click on the read only button to view the training presentation.
- [Please note. This presentation is best viewed on a computer or other large screen.]
English version:
Hilari, K., Galante, L., Huck, A., Pritchard, M., Allen, L., & Dipper, L. (2018). Cultural adaptation and psychometric testing of The Scenario Test UK for people with aphasia. Taylor & Francis.
Original – Dutch version:
Van der Meulen, I., van de Sandt-Koenderman, W. M. E., Duivenvoorden, H. J., & Ribbers, G. M. (2010). Measuring verbal and non-verbal communication in aphasia: reliability, validity, and sensitivity to change of the Scenario Test. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 45(4), 424-435. 10.3109/13682820903111952.
Inclusion in the Core Outcome Set for Aphasia:
Wallace, S.J., Worrall, L., Rose, T.A., Alyahya, R.S.W., Babbitt, E., Beeke, S. et al. (2023) Measuring communication as a core outcome in aphasia trials: Results of the ROMA-2 international core outcome set development meeting. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 58, 1017–1028.
Other versions
Nobis-Bosch, R., Bruehl, S., Krzok, F. & Jakob, H. (2020) Szenario-Test. Testung verbaler und non-verbaler Aspekte aphasischer Kommunikation.
Charalambous, M., Phylactou, T., Elriz, T., Psychogios, L., Annoni, J.-M. & Kambanaros, M. (2022) Adaptation of The Scenario Test for Greek-speaking people with aphasia: a reliability and validity study. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 57, 865–880.
How To Cite
When reporting the use of The Scenario Test, UK version, please cite:
Hilari K, Galante L, Huck A, Pritchard M, Allen L, & Dipper L. (2018). Cultural adaptation and psychometric testing of The Scenario Test UK for people with aphasia. International Journal of Language Communication Disorders. 53(4):748-760. doi: 10.1111/1460-6984.12379