Privacy Policy for CARA Users with Aphasia

Your trust is important to us. This means City is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information.
It is important that you read this notice so that you are aware of how and why we are using such information. This privacy notice describes how we collect and use personal information about you, in accordance with data protection law.

What personal data are we collecting?

City will collect and process the personal information about yourself that you and your clinician provide, during your appointments. This includes certain special categories of more sensitive personal information that you provide, namely health data in relation to aphasia.
Only the minimum data required to complete the research will be collected and saved.  Wherever possible personal details will be removed from collected data.  For example, we will ask for your age rather than your date of birth, your initials /pseudonym rather than your name.

Why are we collecting personal data?

City is collecting this data to

  • Improve our therapies and assessments
  • Provide therapy and assessment resources for clinicians and researchers to help people with aphasia.

Lawful basis for processing

Part of the University’s public task, as defined in its Charter and Statutes, is to advance knowledge, wisdom and understanding by undertaking research for the benefit of individuals and society at large.
The legal basis on which research is conducted at City is that of ‘public task’ (per Article 6(1)(e) of the GDPR).  Where we process your special category data, we will also rely on the lawful basis relating to research (Article 9(2)(g) of the GDPR).

Data retention

It is accepted practice to retain research data for 10 years. After this time the data will be completely and securely erased from systems.

Who we will share your data with?

Your data will be accessed by City clinicians and researchers and only for the purposes of research relating to aphasia, as part of the CARA project. This data will be stored on the CARA Portal, which is hosted by Cauldron in the UK.
We may share your data with other researchers in this country or abroad. We will only share anonymous data. Your personal data will be removed before sharing.

Your Rights

If you have any questions about how City handles your personal information, or you wish to find out about your rights, please visit City’s Privacy Policy ( There you will find more information about how City processes your information. Where there is inconsistency between those documents and this notice, this notice shall prevail. You can contact City’s Data Protection Officer via email at
If you raise a concern with City about the way it has handled your personal information, you are entitled to lodge a concern with a supervisory authority. In the UK, the supervisory authority is the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

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